I’m dusting off this Littoraly blog to participate in OERu’s “Digital literacies for online learning” (#LiDA101). I’m hoping to get some insights about digital literacy and digital fluency. Are these just different levels or different in kind? I’m actually interested in digital literacies beyond online learning, but on the other hand learning is lifewide, so the TLA watchword is not ABC but ABL: Always. Be. Learning.
This blog was moved from WordPress.com to Reclaim Hosting – those folks were very helpful in setting me up. Then it languished, I’m afraid. The look of the blog is quite similar to what I originally set up on WordPress.com.
I’m hoping that this course will help me fire up my enthusiasm again for exploring thoughts online and “learning out loud.”
LiDA Photo Challenge
First displayed on Mastodon – this is an embedded link from the Mastodon server. I was in Toronto ahead of a meeting of the Learning Services department of Doctors Without Borders Canada. Not sure if it qualifies for a photo challenge